Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Holy Week...

Or as we like to call it around my school, "Spring Break Redux."

It's really rather depressing when the principal at a Catholic school feels he must give multiple reminders via the public address system and through newsletter notes home that we are asked to keep this week holy, which at a minimum requires that we attend church on Easter Sunday, and a student in my class scoffs openly as though this is the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard. (Other students just sighed or got Expressions of Supreme Teenage Boredom at Adult Inanity on their faces.)

Holy Week? You mean the point of Holy Week is not to go to Florida and lie around on the beach?

Generally, I like and respect the majority of the parents who send their children to this school, but I believe that this attitude begins at home. Parents need to be told that they're derelict in the duties to which they swore when they baptized their babies when they don't act like the spiritual heads of their households, leading by action and example.

Oh reiterates to me the importance of our young people's seeing good and faithful examples of Catholicism and Christian living in their daily lives. And when they asked what I was doing for Easter recess, I was happy to tell them that The Greatest Man in the World and I were staying home and going to church. Lots of church. Two services at his church and three at mine over the course of four days. If nothing else, it maybe plants a seed...

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